Unser USP: Management + Kapital + Technologie
Maffei & Co. untershcioedet sich von einem
ist ein unabhängiges Investment- und Beratungshaus, Das Unternehmen agiert als Spezialist für maßgeschneiderte Transformationsprogramme mit dem Ziel der Steigerung des Unternehmenswertes.
Maffei & Co. verbindet ihre Familienunternehmen-Struktur und die Kapitalstärke zu einem Family-Equity-Geschäftsmodell. Die Gruppe investiert Eigenkapital in „Special Opportunities“ mit Fokus auf mittelständische Unternehmen und Spin-Offs sowie strategisch in Buy & Build-Transaktionen.
Die Finanzierung aus Eigenkapital
Maffei & Co. kombiniert
Unser USP: Management + Kapital + Technologie
Maffei & Co. untershcioedet sich von einem
ist ein unabhängiges Investment- und Beratungshaus, Das Unternehmen agiert als Spezialist für maßgeschneiderte Transformationsprogramme mit dem Ziel der Steigerung des Unternehmenswertes.
Maffei & Co. verbindet ihre Familienunternehmen-Struktur und die Kapitalstärke zu einem Family-Equity-Geschäftsmodell. Die Gruppe investiert Eigenkapital in „Special Opportunities“ mit Fokus auf mittelständische Unternehmen und Spin-Offs sowie strategisch in Buy & Build-Transaktionen.
Die Finanzierung aus Eigenkapital
Maffei & Co. kombiniert
Unser USP: Management + Kapital + Technologie
Maffei & Co. untershcioedet sich von einem
ist ein unabhängiges Investment- und Beratungshaus, Das Unternehmen agiert als Spezialist für maßgeschneiderte Transformationsprogramme mit dem Ziel der Steigerung des Unternehmenswertes.
Maffei & Co. verbindet ihre Familienunternehmen-Struktur und die Kapitalstärke zu einem Family-Equity-Geschäftsmodell. Die Gruppe investiert Eigenkapital in „Special Opportunities“ mit Fokus auf mittelständische Unternehmen und Spin-Offs sowie strategisch in Buy & Build-Transaktionen.
Die Finanzierung aus Eigenkapital
Maffei & Co. kombiniert
Maffei Services
The strategic investments of Maffei & Co. comprise business divisions or wholly-owned subsidiaries which, with their cross-sectional functions, both support group-owned companies and offer their services to third parties.

m.partners GmbH, based in Munich and with an office in Stuttgart, is a strategic management consultancy with three main topics: ​ ​
1. Growth consulting supports companies that operate successfully on the market and therefore need support in various areas for better scalability. This can range from optimizing the business model, industrializing the product, setting up structures and personnel management. ​
2. In the 2nd Chance area, (young) companies are supported that did not succeed in getting on the planned performance curve in the first attempt. Due to a high proportion of government financing in the seed phase, a lack of 2nd chance culture or a lack of alternatives via secondary recyclers, the shareholders have hardly any alternatives to breathe new life into the company. Here m.partners can also provide cost-saving operational support in exchange for shares through interim management and increase the value of an investor's portfolio. ​
3. From 2025, an increasing number of companies will be required to publish comprehensive ESG reporting under the EU's Sustainability Directive (CSRD). m.partners helps medium-sized companies to not only fulfill these requirements as a bureaucratic obligation, but also to achieve competitive advantages through the development of a sustainability strategy. For this purpose, a best-of-breed eco-system was set up with ESG Partners to provide clients with long-term, holistic advice and to successfully support the implementation.

Communicatio GmbH, based in Munich, has specialised in the planning, implementation and operation of complex and highly secure online data applications in the BtoB and BtoBtoC sectors for more than 20 years.
In doing so, it covers the entire value chain: In addition to consulting, conception, realisation, hosting and permanent support of online and IT applications, Communicatio GmbH also develops its own technology products.
A special feature of Communicatio GmbH is that IT platforms in the BtoB as well as in the BtoBtoC area are also operated permanently as a white label, including its own customer centre.
In the loyalty sector, Communicatio GmbH not only has its own technology for bonus systems in the form of LoyaltyNetwork, but also a network of more than 1,000 corporate partners that are technically integrated into the core system. In this way, loyalty projects such as bonus, voucher or cashback systems can be implemented very quickly and cost-effectively.
Long-standing references for the company's own LoyaltyNetwork product include the conception, implementation and ongoing operation of the "Vorteilswelt" within the Vitality programme of the Generali insurance group in several European countries as well as the conception, implementation and operation of the sustainable bonus system Grünkauf.
Communicatio GmbH often acts together with its sister companies Maffei Ventures GmbH and/or m.partners GmbH and takes on the technical part for StartUp and growth companies.